Clifton Heights Fire Company No.3
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Hall Rental and Apparatus Info

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Welcome Clifton Heights Fire Co #3's homepage
The fire company provides fire and ems service for Clifton Heights boro. In the event of an emergancy, DAIL 911!!
Fire Fact: Most fatal fires occur during the between 10 PM and 6 AM, when most people are asleep. Have working smoke detectors, test monthly, change batteries every 6 months, don't borrow smoke detector batteries for other things, and never disconnect them to prevent nuisance alarms. Do not smoke in bed or when drowsiee. Never ever play with matches.
Note: If you see an X instead of a picture on the side of the homepage, that is suspossed to be the patch. Click it for

The old page is down. This is the UNOFFICIAL PAGE for Clifton Hieghts Fire Company.

Since 1896

Hall rental info on about page.
Email the webmaster

If you have any pics of the Clifton Heights Fire Company, I would like to see them. Please email me at and send the pics. I'd like to use them on this site.

When you smell smoke or fire, call 911 IMMEDIATLY.